Investigadora Responsable:
Dr. Carmen Fonseca Mora (University of Huelva)
Dr. Marina Arcos Checa (Complutense de Madrid University)
Dr.Jane Arnold Morgan (University of Seville)
Dr. Javier Ávila López (University of Cordoba)
Dr. Sonia Casal Madinabeitia (Univesity of Pablo de Olavide; Seville)
Dra. Antonia Domínguez Miguela (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte)
Dra. Eva Díaz Pinto (University of Huelva)
Analí Fernández Corbacho (University of Huelva)
José Manuel Foncubierta (Edinumen publishing house)
María Gómez Domínguez  (University of Huelva)
Dr. Concepción Julián De Vega (ReALL)
Fernando López (University of Huelva)
Dr. Fernando D. Rubio Alcalá (University of Huelva)
Isabelle Toledo (University of Huelva)
Dr. Carmen María Toscano Fuentes (University of Huelva)


Dr. M.Carmen Fonseca-Mora is the head of ReALL and professor in the Department of English Philology at the University of Huelva, Spain, where she has been also Vice-Chancellor for Lifelong Learning Programs and Innovation till 2012. Her main research interests are applied linguistics and language teacher training. Her work has appeared in a significant number of academic journals and edited volumes published by Heidelberg Verlag, SGEL, Mergablum, Hebling, Netbiblio, Unesco-Grupo Comunicar , Septem Editions, Cambridge Scholars, Oxford Journals, among others. She is also author of several publications on scientific journals. She has lectured in Germany, Portugal, France, Italy, Great Britain, Sweden, Peru, United States, Austria and Spain. She is currently co-editor of the English Edition of Comunicar journal, a media education research journal.

Lda. Filología Inglesa. Doctoranda Departamento de Filología Inglesa (Universidad de Huelva). Técnica del proyecto I+D PERCEPCIÓN MUSICAL Y DESTREZAS LECTORAS EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE UNA LENGUA EXTRANJERA. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FFI2010-15738 (subprograma FILO 2010-2014).
Líneas de investigación:
Lingüística Aplicada a la enseñanza y aprendizaje de idiomas, desarrollo de la lectura en la lengua extranjera; el uso de elementos sonoros-musicales para el aprendizaje de las destrezas básicas lectoras en inglés como lengua extranjera.